Rudy gay height

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Something tells me Rodman woulda come in fishtank pumps and gotten I know that's very incrimental, but what really is the point?Ī guy wears thicker kicks to a measurement session and should then be Interesting how some players get a 1.00-inch addition from 'with shoes' Although, I think that Brand had a head start in this area over Williams when he first came out. Williams's offensive game is pretty basic, but it can develop over the years, much as Brand's has. Not particularly tall, but bulky and powerful. Sheldon Williams reminds me alot of Elton Brand. ^^ yea.i had read previous posts that said tyrus was short.but i didn't know he was this elton brand pretty much the same height as tyrus or shelden or is he a little bigger? although it doesn't matter much cuz elton's crazy wingspan.

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'And with the 26th pick of the 2006 NBA Draft, the Los Angeles Lakers select.

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Tyrus is going to get bullied in the paint with that 217 frame of his. When do the wing-span/vert/bench rep #s come out? Player Height w/out shoes Height w/shoes Weight The official NBA Pre-Draft Camp Height and Weight measurements. To Go | LA Lakers Loungeĭo not know if there is already a thread on it.

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